Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bodies... The Exhibition

Just this Sunday, I accompanied my mom to the salon. As we were waiting for her turn to have her hair trimmed, I picked up an FHM magazine (I think it's an October/ November issue - their cover girl was Jean Garcia). As I was skimming through the pages, my eyes were caught by the "Bodies... The Exhibition", more specifically, by the images. Getting curious, I read the whole article and boy, was I shocked. And by the end (before reaching the end, actually) I became fascinated and curiosity has grown in me.

Who would have thought that the day would come when exhibits would use (preserved) REAL HUMAN BODIES? Some are preserved WHOLE doing a specific action/ movement like kicking a soccer ball etc (excluding the skin to show what our insides would look like while in that state). Some were chopped/ dissected to show a specific human organ/ system. While some use only a specific anatomy of the human.

I managed to see images in the net and here are some (for the curious ones)

I guess that's enough teaser. I'm actually just borrowing (ahem ahem... please don't sue me) the images. Besides the others might just be to eww... already.

***Wishing the day would come for me to see this exhibit***

To KNOW more: http://www.bodiestheexhibition.com/bodies.html

To SEE more: go browsing =D

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